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Cycle like the Danes to cut carbon emissions, says study

"EU could cut its transport greenhouse gas emissions by more than 25% if every country's cycling rate was the same as Denmark's"


Durban climate conference agrees deal to do a deal – now comes the hard part

"US warns negotiations will take years as UN celebrates breakthrough agreement"

Category: Climate Change


Q&A: Why Durban is different to climate change agreements of the past

"World governments have committed themselves to reaching a legally binding deal. What are the chances of the process succeeding?"

Category: Climate Change


Could the desert sun power the world?

"Green electricity generated by Sahara solar panels is being hailed as a solution to the climate change crisis"

Category: Energy sources


Fukushima Daiichi operator considers plans to dump treated water into sea

"Tepco says it is running out of space to store water and may dump it, prompting protests from fishing groups"

Displaying results 391 to 395 out of 2977